Throughout history, researchers have found many wacky ways of exploiting animals for the “benefit of science” from dropping toxic chemicals onto the shaved skin of rabbits for cosmetics testing to sending chimpanzees and dogs to outer space. Many examples of animal manipulation might seem rather unnecessary and quite frankly, ridiculous. ... Read More

Dusky Farmerfish

September 21, 20154Fishes
While the concept of factory farming for animals like chickens, cows and pigs is a basically understood by the majority of meat-eaters, there is another group of animals who are subjected to similarly horrendous conditions that most people do not know about: fish. Just like with other conventional farm animals, ... Read More
September 21, 20154Fishes
Many people, including some who call themselves vegetarians, think fish are less capable of suffering than mammals and birds. These would-be vegetarians may avoid eating mammals and birds while continuing to eat fish, sometimes arguing that the problems associated with the production and consumption of other animal products don’t apply ... Read More
September 21, 20154Fishes
The race to save sharks is ongoing and critical. As of 2012, as many as 70 million sharks were killed each year just for their fins. If there’s one single entity – aside from the fishing industry itself – that’s allowing this disturbing business to continue, it’s probably shipping giant ... Read More
September 21, 20154Fishes
Fish: the forgotten victims on our plate