"Introducing the latest revelations in animal behavior and biology, [ethologist Jonathan] Balcombe upends our assumptions about fish, exposing them not as unfeeling, dead-eyed creatures but as sentient, aware, social...Highlighting these breakthrough discoveries and others from his own encounters with fish, Balcombe inspires a more enlightened appraisal of marine life. An ... Read More

Coral Reef and Sea Star

September 20, 2022Howard
Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy. Special Issue: “Wild Animals and Justice,” 2016.
"This article explores fisheries, fishes, and foundational moral theories to analyze critically whether or not piscatorial leanings are a reasoned and informed choice for environmentalists or those who are otherwise concerned about making choices in the supermarket ... Read More
September 18, 2022Howard
Ryuji Chua: "In this video, I take a look at stories and evidence that led me to realize that fish are so much more than that. I challenge the typical fish stereotype as stupid, mindless animals to show that they are conscious beings who think, feel, and suffer, and have ... Read More
September 15, 2022Howard
Arthur Gordon's "The Sea Devil" is a captivating short story that relates the horror of a fisherman who becomes the victim of his own device: https://tinyurl.com/2p9b9ds4 While the story hopefully help readers develop empathy for aquatic animals, the protagonist seems to have failed to learn that lesson. We much prefer this ending ... Read More
February 5, 2022Howard
Animal Studies Repository
January 5, 2019Howard