There is a very special place in my heart for sea animals. I was born in Lima, Peru and my great-grandparents were immigrants from Italy that relied on fishing as their source of income. The typical story of Europeans coming to the New World to start a new life.
When I was little, I would see the men leaving very early in the morning with the big fishing nets that my great-grandmother would knit by hand and come back with them full of fish. Some of them would still be alive and I can’t get the image out of my head of them suffering and slowly dying, flapping, contorting with their mouths wide open, struggling to breathe. I also remember the women in the family cleaning the fish, removing the scales and the skin to end up in neat fish fillets.😩
I knew then inherently that what we were doing to them was wrong, that something didn’t fit in. As I grew up and understood their pain and suffering and became vegan, I knew that my instincts as a child had been right. We have no right to do what we do to them, and to think of the massive scale of murdering that goes on nowadays, it’s heart wrenching.😭