GREAT NEWS! The bill to protect cownose rays has been signed into law! It was unanimously passed by the Maryland Senate, and Governor Hogan signed it on April 30th, 2019. The new law extends the moratorium on killing contests that target the rays until the state prepares a management plan ... Read More
Fish Feel: Campaigns

January 26, 20194Fishes
Youth fishing campaigns are desensitizing children to animal suffering and promoting animal abuse. They are a gateway to lifelong, cruel animal exploitation. We are learning so much about fish! Fish have family, friends and feelings. Scientists have shown that fish feel fear and pain. It hurts when they are hooked ... Read More
July 17, 2018Howard
The decision to have a companion animal is a serious responsibility, which requires planning and a commitment to their long-term care. It should not be based on how well you can toss a ping pong ball into a bowl. Goldfish are living, feeling creatures, just like any other animal. Goldfish ... Read More
July 17, 2018Howard
Fight Walmart Fish Cruelty is an oranization fighting the cruelty towards fish in Walmart stores nationwide. We need Walmart to stop selling fish, and we need you! We can't stop it alone, so we need you guys to help us. Call Walmart, go to your Walmart, and just keep pressing ... Read More
September 21, 20154Fishes
The aquarium trade serves a dark hobby, confining coral reef wildlife and destroying reefs around the world. Stripping reefs for an amusement industry is theoretically no different than capturing cetaceans for commercial shows. 98% of aquarium fish are wild caught. Many people may not reflect on the colorful fish in ... Read More
September 21, 20154Fishes