I unfortunately used to fish. The last time I ever did was on the family farm. I caught a Rio Grande Cichlid, and asked if I could clean him myself. My dad told me he thought this would bother me, but I really wanted to learn how to do this.
I can tell you from this moment forever burned in my memory that fish want to live. As I delivered the fatal cut to this dear innocent, he turned his eyes toward me with the same look a terrified dog or cat would have in this situation, but it was too late. After that I never went fishing again. I will always see that look in his eyes.
I have to humbly admit what I did then was wrong. I took this beautiful friend from his family, from his life. I can’t take back that moment, but I can speak out for these beautiful dear ones. I will always be an advocate for friends like him. They deserve to live and be free.
Please don’t harm them. Go Vegan.
This drawing is in memory of a dear one lost to fishing long ago. Please forgive us dear animals. We will make you heard.