In this engaging interview, Sylvia Earle ( "Her Deepness,"Mission Blue), advocates for fishes, slams fishing, and explains "why we need to protect the oceans."

Coral Reef and Sea Star

January 5, 2019Howard
Mark Mathew Braunstein compares factory farming to fishing, discussing fishing methods and fish farming in this insightful article published by the Hippocrates Health Institute .
January 5, 2019Howard
A very entertaining and educational comic book.
June 18, 2017Howard
Victoria Braithwaite, Professor of Fisheries and Biology at Penn State University, "explores the question of fish pain and fish suffering, explaining what science can now tell us about fish behavior, and examining the related ethical questions about how we should treat these animals...Though far from anti-fishing, she concludes that scientific ... Read More
September 21, 20154Fishes
"In The Empty Ocean, acclaimed author and artist Richard Ellis tells the story of our continued plunder of life in the sea and weighs the chances for its recovery. Through fascinating portraits of a wide array of creatures, he introduces us to the many forms of sea life that humans ... Read More
September 21, 20154Fishes