Fish Feel's Mary Finelli is among the activists profiled in this photo essay by Unbound Project.

Coral Reef and Starfish

January 5, 2019Howard
"People in charge of civic projects have a responsibility to do the least harm. They shouldn’t have such apathetic, defeatist attitudes." Arizona Daily Star, November 15, 2017
November 15, 2017Howard
"[B]efore Fish Feel emerged, fish had no human voice representing any interest in their existence apart from an interest in consuming them, or in consuming whatever fish themselves might be eating."
April 3, 2017Howard
Published by US News & World Report, CBS, and others. US News & World Report, Capital News Service, Cara Newcomer, March 17, 2017. Fish Feel's Mary "Finelli said legislation creating a moratorium is a good first step, but Maryland still ... Read More
March 17, 2017Howard
Capital News Service, March 17, 2017. "There is only a small group of people who are in favor of these contests," [Fish Feel's Mary] Finelli said. "It's willful ignorance because this is how they have fun."
March 17, 2017Howard
"Maryland still needs to fully ban these contests that are not only cruel and unnecessary, but also target a species that science shows is vulnerable to overfishing," said Mary Finelli, Chair of the Save the Rays Coalition.
February 19, 2017Howard