The Animal Doctor, Dr. Michael W. Fox, March 11, 2019

Coral Reef and Starfish

March 11, 2019Howard
“Cownose rays are native to the bay and an integral part of the ecosystem,” said coalition chair Mary Finelli during a hearing on the legislation. “Please give the state the time it needs to put in place an effective management ... Read More
February 14, 2019Howard
Fish Feel is mentioned as one of the organizations that are working to "bridge the gap" between the recognition of fishes as sentient beings deserving of respect and society's failure to act on it.
February 12, 2019Howard
Fish Feel is among the topics discussed in this podcast, with host Christian Chappell expresses appreciation and praise for the organization.
February 11, 2019Howard
Fish Feel letter to the Editor. Toledo Blade, March 21, 2018
February 10, 2019Howard
The fish-themed January/February 2018 issue of The Animals’ Voice magazine includes articles by Fish Feel directors Cam MacQueen and Mary Finelli.
February 10, 2019Howard