A discussion on Fish Feel being the the sole organization devoted to promoting the recognition of fish as sentient beings deserving of respect and protection.

Coral Reef and Starfish

September 19, 2016Howard
Lori speaks with Mary Finelli founder and President of Fish Feel. Chesapeake Bay cownose rays are being slaughtered by bow fishers during senseless cruel contests. The rays are docile, and not responsible for the decreasing oyster population as has been ... Read More
September 1, 2016Howard
"We will continue exposing the brutal and ecologically reckless killing,” pledged Fish Feel founder and president Mary Finelli, “but what is really needed is for the government to step up and give the rays the protection they desperately need, and ... Read More
August 30, 2016Howard
National Review, Wesley J. Smith, August 18, 2016
August 18, 2016Howard
Letter in BayNet by Michael Gurwitz and Mary Finelli, Fish Feel director, published July 5, 2016
August 5, 2016Howard
Fish Feel president Mary Finelli believes the report and recent scientific evidence should be enough to spur the Maryland government to action. "These rays have been wrongfully vilified," Finelli said. "In addition to egregious cruelty, it is environmentally reckless."
July 6, 2016Howard